English - Hungarian - Terms



Acceptance criteria
Elfogadási kritérium

Expectations, conditions, needs defined by the stakeholders of a product (customers, users, etc.) in relation to a development. Often used as part of User Stories.

An adaptive, empirical approach that seeks to respond quickly to changes and adapt to client needs.

A professional who brings expertise and experience in applying Agile development frameworks and approaches to the organisations, individuals and teams involved.

Agile Manifesto
Agilis Kiáltvány

A document summarising the principles and values of the agile approach.

A document summarising the principles and values of the agile approach.

Agile mindset
Agilis szemléletmód

A set of development frameworks and tools based on agile principles.

The set of design processes and tools used in agile approaches, often different from traditional design processes.

Agile principles
Agilis alapelvek

The basic principles of the Agile approach, which can be found in the Agile Manifesto.

The use of agile approaches and tools in projects.

Agile team
Agilis csapat

An agile team, typically cross-functional and self-organising.

Agile transformation
Agile transformation

The shift from traditional development processes, operations and approaches to an agile approach, which most often involves organisational-level operational, structural and cultural changes.

Agile values
Agilis értékek

The values that define the Agile approach, which can be found in the Agile Manifesto.


A graph that shows how much the team has completed and how much is left to complete in a given timeframe during agile development.

Business value
Üzleti érték

The business value that a product or feature brings to the customer. The dimensions of this can vary widely.

Business agility
Business Agility

It refers to the ability of an organisation to respond to market and environmental impacts.

A business agile organisation:

  • adapts quickly to market changes
  • manage customer needs quickly and flexibly
  • implements organisational change effectively
  • has a permanent competitive advantage


Continuous delivery
Folyamatos szállítás

A method used in agile development that allows for continuous (frequent) delivery of a product to the customer.

Continuous improvement
Continuous improvement

Continuous improvement of the functioning of an organisation or team in an empirical way.

Continuous deployment
Continuous expenditure

Continuous Deployment (CD) is a software development strategy that allows changes to code to be automatically deployed to the production environment.

Continuous integration
Folyamatos integráció

A method used in agile development whereby code written by developers is continuously integrated (compilation, testing, checks, etc.) into a common code base.

Continuous testing
Folyamatos tesztelés

A method used in Agile development, where testing is done in parallel with the start of development to ensure quality and correct functionality.

Cross-functional team
Keresztfunkcionális csapat

A team with all the skills and knowledge to deliver a project, making agile development more efficient. The team does not need external help. Often team members come from multiple disciplines.


Daily Scrum/Daily standup
Napi Scrum/Napi standup

Short daily meetings of up to 15 minutes between team members during Agile development, where the team reviews whether they are on track to achieve the goal. The primary objective is to increase transparency.

Definition of Done (DoD)

The criteria that a product or increment must meet to be accepted.

Definition of Ready (DoR)

The criteria that Product Backlog items must meet before the team can start working with them in Agile development.

A cultural and technological approach to agile development that combines development and operational responsibility to deliver a product as efficiently and quickly as possible.



A larger, complex task that can be broken down into smaller elements (e.g. a user story) and can be implemented over several iterations.

Extreme programming (XP)
Extrém Programozás (XP)

It is an agile framework for software development processes that aims to produce quality code through close collaboration between developers and continuous feedback.



Support processes and communication most often during a group or team event to make the meeting more effective and efficient.

Fail fast
Gyors kudarc

An agile philosophy, which means that in iterative development cycles, bugs should be identified as early as possible so that they can be reacted to and improve product quality, customer satisfaction and project success.


A specific need or characteristic of a product or service, designed to solve part or all of a customer or user's problem.


Generalizing specialist
Általános szakértő

A person who has a broad knowledge of the subject area but also experience in other areas. When building agile teams, people with these qualities are an asset.


Hybrid methodology
Hibrid módszertan

A methodology that is developed by combining elements of several methodologies. It can be agile or, at the tool level, a mix of traditional and agile methodological elements.



In Agile development, iterations produce smaller, independent product parts that form a larger whole.

Incremental delivery
Inkrementális szállítás

Regular release of constantly growing and evolving versions and functionality of the product used in Agile development.

Information radiators
Információs táblák

Tools or solutions that can quickly and easily inform stakeholders about the development or work in question (e.g. a Scrum board).


Typically used in Agile development, the 1-4 week cycle is designed to help developers produce a working, demonstrable Incrementum.


A method that allows teams to perform only those tasks that are required at the moment, based on the project requirements. This helps minimise wasted work, time and costs and allows teams to respond as quickly as possible to client needs and changing market conditions.


A culture of continuous improvement and small improvements in production processes.

A Lean-based visualised method for process management that provides efficiency and transparency. Initially used in manufacturing processes, it has now become common in agile product development.


Increase competitiveness by improving flow, eliminating losses/waste, improving quality and developing people.


Minimal marketable feature (MMF)
Minimálisan piacképes funkció

The smallest product or service with functionality that can be considered marketable.

Minimal viable product (MVP)
Minimálisan életképes termék (MVP)

The product or service with the least functionality for which we can get feedback from potential users. Not necessarily marketable yet.

Mob programming

A collaborative development method in which the whole team works together on a computer or project to increase understanding and quality. Most often used for more complex tasks, which may require the expertise of several team members.



Scrum-based scaling framework for developing and maintaining product delivery initiatives.


A strategic framework that defines objectives and their key results and helps teams and organisations to achieve them. The OKR method is designed to focus people on the overall objectives and align their work effectively to achieve them.


Pair programming
Páros programozás

Joint programming by two developers, with frequent rotation. The aim is continuous review, quality assurance and quality improvement.

Planning poker
Tervezési póker

A playful method for agile estimation, where team members use cards to determine the size of tasks.

A prioritised list of needs/tasks according to business value, which includes which improvements are related to a product or service.

Product Backlog refinement
Product Backlog finomítás

A prioritised list of needs/tasks according to business value, which includes which improvements are related to a product or service.

The person responsible for the business value of a product or service. Responsibilities include communicating with customers and users, identifying and prioritising development needs, and managing the product backlog.

Product roadmap

Longer-term plans for the product or service and a high-level timetable for its development.

Product vision

A brief description of the aims, values and direction of the product or service. The vision provides a basic input for development.


Quick wins
Gyors eredmények

A strategy to set and achieve short-term goals. These goals are usually easily achievable and quickly attainable and help to increase team motivation, commitment and effectiveness.



Improving the quality of the code for reuse and extensibility, aimed at, among other things, reducing technological debt.

Release planning
Release tervezés

A plan for bringing a product or service to market, which may consist of several releases.


Typically used in Agile development, this is a look-back at the end of iterations. It aims to continuously improve process and collaboration.

Retrospective action items
Retrospektív akciók

Suggestions and action points arising from the retrospective discussions.


A scaled agile framework developed primarily for large enterprise environments.


The use of agile methodologies in larger organisations, typically to coordinate the agile operations of multiple teams.

One of the most popular agile frameworks.

Scrum artifacts
Scrum produktumok

Documents, tools and elements used by the Scrum framework.

Scrum board
Scrum tábla

The worksheet used by the Scrum framework, which most often displays the status of tasks.

Scrum event
Scrum ceremónia

The events used by the Scrum framework, which are structured, facilitated and usually have a maximized, predefined duration.

The Scrum role to support collaboration and efficiency improvements. Typical tasks: teaching, obstacle removal, support, individual and team development.

Scrum of Scrums

A ceremony for collaboration between several Scrum teams to create transparency and continuous alignment between the teams.

Scrum team
Scrum csapat

The Scrum framework team, consisting of Developers, Scrum Master, Product Owner.


A task that is usually aimed at internal research or risk management. Spike is often part of the sprint backlog and is implemented by the team.

In the Scrum framework, a development cycle of up to 30 days to produce an Incrementum.

Sprint Backlog
Sprint terv

For a given Sprint, the Sprint Goal, the selected Product Backlog items and the plan to achieve the Sprint Goal are collectively called the Sprint Backlog.

Sprint Goal
Sprint cél

The goal of the sprint, understood by the whole team and to which the team commits at the latest during the sprint planning.

Sprint planning
Sprint tervezés

The planning event for the sprint ahead of the team.

Sprint Review/Demo
Sprint áttekintés

An event at the end of the Sprint where the team presents their work and the Product Owner gives feedback on the results.


Any individual(s) or group(s) directly affected by the project or directly affected by the project.

Story map
Történet térkép

Agile design tool, designed to map and visualise epics and user stories.

Story point
Történet pont

Usually a dimensionless number chosen from a given set of values, which the team believes best describes the size and complexity of the task or function.


Technical debt
Technológiai adósság

A quality gap that makes sustainability difficult in a development. It arises in all developments and increases maintenance/operating/modification costs in the long term. Sustainable products require explicit time to address this during development.

Test-driven development (TDD)
Teszt vezérelt fejlesztés

The process whereby test cases are written first, followed by development.

Piacra juttatási idő

The time it takes from the emergence of a need to its development to its market launch.


A time-frame planning method, where a limited time is set for a particular task or even a meeting, and the work ends after the time has elapsed. It aims to increase focus and efficiency.


User acceptance testing (UAT)
Felhasználói elfogadási tesztelés

This is typically the last testing phase, when users/key users verify and accept the software before it goes live.

User experience (UX)
Felhasználói élmény

User experience, which refers to the feelings and experiences a user has with a product.

User persona
Felhasználói perszóna

The imaginary embodiment of an interested, or rather typically user. It helps to understand which user groups a product or service is intended for and what their needs are.

User story

Short stories describing user needs, which help the team to understand the development goals and meet the needs.


Value stream mapping
Értékáram feltérképezés

The process of mapping processes to see where there is an efficiency problem and where it can be optimised.

Szállítási sebesség

The amount of work that a team can do in a given period, usually in iterations. The unit of measurement is the same as the unit used in planning.


Way of work (WoW)

A working method defined, typically customised and continuously improved by the team.

Work in progress (WIP)
Folyamatban lévő munka

In the Kanban system, elements and tasks are in one state, work phase, at the same time.

Work in progress (WIP) limit
Folyamatban lévő munka limit

Limit the number of ongoing tasks to improve efficiency. Its use is most widespread during Kanban.






Factors that are assumed to be a given in project design without being proven. Assumptions can also have an impact on project implementation.

Analogous estimation
Analóg becslés

An estimation technique that relies on past data from a similar project or activity.



A graph that shows how much the team has completed and how much is left to complete in a given timeframe during agile development.

Business case
Üzleti terv

An assessment of the justification and economic viability of the project, including costs, benefits and risks. It is most often prepared before the start of a project and is an important input to the project start-up decision.


Change Control Board
Változásfelügyeleti Bizottság

A committee with responsibility for overseeing changes throughout the project, including approving and rejecting changes.

Cost of Quality (CoQ)
Minőség költsége

The costs incurred during the project to ensure quality and correct any defects.


To speed up the project, reduce lead times by mobilising additional resources.

Critical path analysis
Kritikus út elemzés

An analysis of the critical process path that determines the project lead time and supports you in meeting the final delivery deadline.



Specific products, outputs or services produced as a result of the project, which must be in line with the requirements.


Earned value analysis
Megtermelt érték elemzés

A comparative analysis of progress and budget in order to establish the real progress and value of project delivery.

Estimation methods
Becslési módszerek

Methods used in project planning to estimate the cost, duration and resource requirements of a project.


Fast tracking
Gyorsító párhuzamosítás

Parallel implementation of project activities to meet the timetable deadlines.

Feasibility analysis
Megvalósíthatósági elemzés

The assessment, typically carried out at the start of a project to determine whether the project is feasible within the resources and timeframe available.


Gap analysis
Gap elemzés

Examining the gaps between the initial state and the desired state to be achieved by the project.

Gantt chart

Bar chart showing information about the schedule. Activities are indicated on the vertical axis, dates on the horizontal axis and lead times are indicated by bars.


Halo effect

Cognitive bias, when an impression of a person influences our judgement of that person. In project management, a typical example is when a high-performing team member is appointed as a project manager because previous impressions lead us to believe that he or she will be able to do well in other roles.


Ensuring the successful completion of the project, including finalisation of the project, compilation of documentation and delivery of project results to stakeholders.


Interpersonal skills
Interperszonális készségek

It refers to soft skills that help individuals communicate effectively, build relationships and manage other people. This includes empathy, listening skills, conflict management and the ability to work well in teams.


Job shadowing

The process whereby one person "follows" and observes the work of another person to gain experience and knowledge. In the project management field, it is most often used to gain a better understanding of requirements or to train novice project managers.


Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

A KPI is a metric or indicator that helps measure and evaluate the achievement of a particular goal or the performance of a project. KPIs are usually linked to specific objectives or performance requirements and allow for objective measurement and evaluation of results.



The time by which a subsequent activity starts delayed or delayed in relation to the preceding one.

Korábbra hozás

The time by which a follow-up activity can start earlier than the one before it.

Lessons learned

A summary of the lessons learned during the project, which can be used later or in other future projects.



Significant events during the project that mark specific results or deliverables. Milestones are used to track and evaluate the project's schedule and progress and the resulting milestone plan supports senior management reporting.

Motivational theories
Motivációs elméletek

The theories that explain what motivates people and how it affects them.


Net Promoter Score (NPS)

A metric that measures customer satisfaction and loyalty to a company or product.


Organisational project management maturity
Szervezeti projektmenedzsment képesség

It includes the development of project management processes, tools, methods, knowledge and culture, and the ability to achieve successful project outcomes. Organisational project management maturity is an indicator of the extent to which an organisation has the knowledge, skills and structure to plan, manage and deliver projects effectively.


Projektmenedzsment Útmutató

A generally accepted project management framework published by the Project Management Institute (PMI), which is a set of best practices accepted and adopted by the industry.

A group of projects that are linked together to achieve a larger goal. Programmes are usually of longer duration and a dedicated programme manager is appointed to lead them.

Project assistant

The person who supports the project manager in administrative tasks, documentation and communication.

Project audit

The evaluation, which reviews the project and analyses whether the documentation and the project implementation process meet all expectations.

Project change management
Projekt változáskezelés

Managing and documenting changes in the project to ensure they are managed effectively and efficiently.

Project charter
Projektalapító dokumentum (PAD)

The document, a fact sheet, that defines the project's objectives, the key information needed to launch the project and the people who will be responsible for managing and implementing the project.

Project closure

Project closure, which involves handing over and accepting the project results, archiving the project documentation and often disbanding the team.

Project communication
Projekt kommunikáció

Ensuring the flow of information between project stakeholders, including the team, managers and stakeholders.

Project compliance
Projekt megfelelőség

Determine and ensure project compliance with regulations, legislation, standards or other requirements.

Project constraints

Factors that limit the project and affect the creation and implementation of the project plan, such as time, cost, resources and deadlines.

Project coordinator

The person who is responsible for coordinating and organising the project, providing project team members and management with communication, monitoring resources and meeting deadlines. Often has less authority than the project manager. 

Project cost planning
Projekt költségvetés tervezése

Planning the project costs in advance and planning the collection and monitoring of costs throughout the project life cycle.

Project deadlines
Projekt határidők

A project typically has pre-defined dates by which tasks must be completed and by which the project as a whole must be finished.

Project documentation

All the documents produced during the project, including the project plan, resources, deadlines, risks and deliverables.

Project documentation review
Projektdokumentáció ellenőrzése

Thoroughly checking and evaluating project documents to ensure compliance with delivery requirements.

Project execution
Projekt végrehajtása

Implement the planned tasks and achieve the pre-defined results according to the project plan.

Project integration

Linking and coordinating all knowledge areas of the project to ensure successful delivery and achievement of project objectives.

Project issues

The challenges and difficulties that will be encountered during the project and that need to be addressed for the project to succeed.

Project kick-off
Projektindító értekezlet

The first meeting of the project, which usually introduces the project's purpose, deadline, participants and other important information.

Project life cycle

The whole "life" of a project, including initial planning, preparation, implementation and closure.

Project management
Project management

The set of skills, tools and processes that are used to plan, manage and coordinate a project to achieve its objectives.

Project management certification
Projektmenedzsment minősítés

A certificate confirming that the individual has successfully passed an examination requiring the knowledge and skills required in the field of project management. There are many certifications available on the market, with different prerequisites and exams.

The world's largest professional organisation for project management, which promotes and supports the development of the project management profession and individuals working in the field.

Project Management Office (PMO)

The department responsible for managing, standardising and optimising project management processes. It is also often used as a Project Programme and Portfolio Management Office in large corporate environments.

Project management processes
Projektmenedzsment folyamatok

The processes to be used in project management, which vary from organisation to organisation and from industry to industry, can be customised.

Project management software
Projektmenedzsment szoftver

The software that helps you plan, manage and monitor your project. These include MS Project, EasyProject and Redmine.

Project management training
Projektmenedzsment tréning

Teaching project management theory and practice to project managers, teams and stakeholders.

Project manager
Projektmenedzser/ Projektvezető

The person responsible for managing the project, implementing the project plan and achieving the project objectives.

Project monitoring and control
Projekt nyomonkövetés és felügyelet

Monitoring the progress of the project, checking compliance with the project plan and managing and tracking changes.

Project objectives

The documented objectives and the metrics for achieving them that the project manager and team must achieve.

Project organisation

The structure of the project management organisation, including the project manager, the project team and the project supervisors.

Project performance

Measurable results and performance in line with project objectives and requirements.

Project performance indicators

The units used to measure and evaluate the status of a project, defined according to the project's objectives and requirements.

Project phase

The project is typically professionally broken down into larger periods, phases, which are most often completed by the achievement of milestones.

Project plan

A documented plan of the project's objectives, deadlines, resources, risks and activities to be carried out.

Project planning
Projekt tervezése

Define the project objectives and deliverables, the resources needed, estimate the project duration and develop the project plan.

Project portfolio management
Projektportfólió menedzsment

The process by which an organisation manages and evaluates all its projects together and creates a strategy to help optimise the project portfolio and achieve business objectives, including prioritisation, resource allocation and alignment of project plans.

Project progress tracking
Projekt előrehaladás nyomon követése

Monitoring the progress of the project against plan and intervening in time to address problems or delays.

Project quality

Ensuring quality in line with project objectives and requirements, applying quality control and quality assurance.

Project quality control
Projekt minőségellenőrzés

Carrying out continuous quality control and monitoring activities throughout the project life cycle to ensure that the product or service is of the right quality.

Project report

The document in which the project manager summarises the status of the project, including the achievement of objectives, deliverables, costs and risks.

Project resource planning

Planning the timing and use of the necessary resources, such as labour, materials and equipment, throughout the project lifecycle.

Project risk

The potential risks and opportunities that may arise during the implementation of the project, and the likelihood and impact of these risks and opportunities may vary.

Project risk management
Projektkockázatok kezelése

Identify and manage potential threats and risks during the project to ensure its success.

Project schedule

A documented schedule that covers the entire duration of the project, including tasks and deadlines.

Project sponsor
Projekt szponzor

The person or group who funds, supports and often supervises the project at senior management level.

Project status report
Projekt státuszjelentés 

Reporting the current status, progress and performance of the project to project stakeholders.

Project subcontractors, suppliers
Projekt alvállalkozók, beszállítók

The external parties associated with the project, who usually provide external resources, materials and services to the project.

Project tasks/activities

The tasks and tasks the team must undertake to complete the project.

Project team

A group of people who implement a project and work together to achieve the project's objectives.


Quality Management Plan
Minőségmenedzsment terv

One element of the project management plan, which describes how quality objectives will be achieved through the use of processes and tools.


Requirements Specification

A document of the requirements that the results or product must meet in order to fulfil the objectives of the project. This document defines the requirements and expectations for the product, including functional and non-functional requirements.


Reserves in the project budget to cover possible unexpected or uncertain expenses.

Risk response strategy
Kockázatkezelési stratégia

A plan for managing risks, which is defined as the process of developing effective ways of managing risks, taking into account the risks identified in advance and their potential impact and likelihood.



The project scope, which defines the content and scope of the project. The project scope defines what tasks must and must not be done to complete the project. The scope should not be confused with the objective.

Situational leadership
Helyzetfüggő vezetés

A leadership style based on adaptability and responsiveness, designed to enable the leader to deal effectively with changing situations and different personalities.


Any individual(s) or group(s) directly affected by the project or directly affected by the project.

Statement of Work (SoW)

A description of the work, including the tasks to be performed and the relevant constraints. This document is most often prepared to accompany requests for tenders from subcontractors and suppliers.

Steering Committee

A group responsible for managing and overseeing the project and making decisions about the project's strategy, objectives and resources.


Three-point estimation
Három pontos becslés

An estimation technique that estimates expected values by weighted averaging of three scenarios (optimistic, realistic, pessimistic).

Triple constraints
Projektmenedzsment háromszög/ Hármas korlát

The project management concept that project effectiveness is based on a close relationship between cost, time and quality. If one element changes, the other elements are affected.


User acceptance testing (UAT)
Felhasználói elfogadási tesztelés

This is typically the last testing phase, when users/key users verify and accept the software before it goes live.


Variance analysis

Techinka, which can be used to identify discrepancies between plans and actual data, including their root causes.


Waterfall methodology
Vízesés módszertan

The waterfall model is one of the first and widely used project management methodologies. It used to be common in software development, but because it is less applicable in a volatile environment, agile or iterative methodologies are now used instead.

WBS dictionary
WBS szótár

A document describing in detail the elements of the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).

Work Breakdown Structure
Munkalebontási struktúra

A hierarchical breakdown that breaks down the entire project into smaller, more manageable chunks that are easier to plan, track and control. An important tool for scope definition.

Work package

The lower level elements of the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), which are typically implemented to complete deliverables. Work packages can be further broken down into activities and tasks for more precise planning.