
Professional in Business Analysis

PMI-PBA learning material change

About PMI-PBA Business Analyst Certification PMI launched the internationally recognised Professional in Business Analysis (PMI-PBA) certification in 2014, which certifies that the certified person is able to meet the needs of professional business analysts.

PMP sample test

PMP sample questions

Ready for the PMP exam? A question that often comes up at our programmes from our participants is when is the best time to take the exam? Our answer is always.

IT security

GDPR compliance for SMEs

What can we as SMEs do to avoid GDPR-related fines? What is the GDPR Regulation? On 25 May 2018, a European data protection law will enter into force that will set a new global benchmark

Quality management

IATF 16949 requirements e-learning training

IATF 16949 requirements e-learning training The year 2018 seems to bring changes in several areas. With the advent of the GDPR regulation, which is a major change for all organisations, there are many new developments

Projekt tervezése
project management

What does the future hold for project managers?

A general question is how the project management profession is affected by the major developments and trends of the present. Will project managers still be needed in 10 years' time? If so, to what extent and in what ways?

Certified Associate in Project Management training

Discounted pilot CAPM exam

Following the anticipated changes to the PMP qualification, the date of the CAPM exam change has also been announced. As previously reported in the September 2017

PMI PMP exam

PMP/CAPM frequently asked questions

Content What are the prerequisites for taking the PMP and CAPM exams? The PMP exam requires 4,500 hours of project management experience for graduates (7,500 hours for intermediate graduates).

Certified Associate in Project Management training

New exam sites - CAPM

Changes to the CAPM exam As we have already reported, the CAPM exam is changing, as is the PMP. For the PMP, this will take place on 26 March 2018. A

PMI-ACP exam

PMP exam change

PMP exam change date As previously reported, PMI felt the time was right to update the PMBoK. The 6th edition will be published on 6 September